Owiie in the head

Why is it so easy to forget how much drink a lot hurts the day after :(. My poor head is complaining. Yesterday evening I went with some friends to see a theatrical show that is put up by the people who just started the Chemical or Biotechnical line at KTH. It was a great show, afterwards they have a party and I drank one to many beers. So now I'm sitting in my bead with anxiety over the thermo exam coming up and that I drank to much yesterday. Should be up and studying nooow. Oh well better luck next time. :P see you around...

Alla helgons dag

På onsdag är det tenta i Termo och jag ligger minst sagt lite efter i pluggandet men det kommer nog att ordna sig så det blir inget Hallowen festande för mig ikväll.
I dag var jag med mamma och tände ljus vid mormor och morfars minneslund. Blev lite nedstämd när jag stod där. Påmindes om hur mycket jag saknar de och farmor förstås. Saker som lukten av Farmor risgryns paj när man kom upp till landet eller att gå på bio med morfar. Man glömmer så lätt i sin vardag när man ilar runt dessa människor som är borta men som en gång i tiden hade en ganska stor del i ens liv och betydde(betyder) så mycket. Hoppas så klart att det finns något trevligt ställe dit man kommer när man har gått bort, så skickade en liten hälsning mentalt ifall dem skulle höra. Så klart blev man jätteledsen när man stod där och tänkte. Iaf saknar dem jättemycket.
Alla helgons dag är ju imorgon och traditionen med att tända ljus på gravarna har rötter i keltiska traditioner som övertogs av de kristna germanerna. Man trodde att de döda i samband med sommarens slut och vinterns början återvände hem och behövde vägledas med ljus och eldar. Men som bekant så har också Amerikanska Hallowen jobbat sig in i Sverige med en massa festande och godis (för barnen) vilket inte heller är helt fel.
Det jag vill säga är väll ha en trevlig Alla Helgons eller Hallowen. Nu ska jag dyka ner i sängen och spendera kvällen framför tvn med en massa godis.



Today I and Anna went to the gym and participated in African Dancing and it was so much fun. One of the funniest things I've ever done exercising. The moves were pretty easy and I felt it didn't matter if you weren't all that gracious :P. Tomorrow my legs are going to HURT.
I'm a little bit nervous about tomorrow, I really hope the interview goes well I need that job this spring. So I can get together some money for my and Annas trip to South America. Well now I'm going to sleep so I atleast look rested. Have a god night :D.

Free hugs

All over the world there's people doing this free hugs thing. Where they go out stands in a public place with a sign that says "Free Hugs". I love it, one day maybe I'll make such a sign, it's a great idea. Here's a link to my favourite video of one of these free huggers it's touching.
Here's also a link to other free huggers around the world. Go and hug some one today :D.

Early morning

I'm up and the laudry is in the washing machine,  I made it :P. So tired and cooold. Brrr...


Just spent about an hour in the shower. It has been long since I've been able to do that and there's nothing better. Especially since my bathroom is no bigger than 2 cm^3, it becomes a steam sauna.
Now I'm getting ready to go to bed because tomorrow I have to get up at six a clock!!! :( . I hate early mornings but I have to do my laundry and it was the only time that was available. Usually I would have waited two days to get a better time but  I'm going on a jobbinterwiev on Friday so I have to look my best. So I can't where the last clothes in my closet that I take out when things are getting desperate. To make it worse I've been spoiled with late mornings the last couple of days, so it will be hard getting up. Hopefully I will remember why the alarm sounds so early tomorrow and not turn it of.
Now I'm going to continue to try to download the second season of
Hex, the TV show that I've gotten completely hooked up on. Over the past two days I have watched the whole first season and now I can't seam to find the second :(. I waaant it :D, I need to now what is going to happen.  


My birthday is in 13 days and as it so happens I stumbled upon a site witch would tell you lots of funny facts about your birthday. For example I was probably made on or about 5 February 1985 witch was a Tuesday, my Native American Zodiac sign is Snake and my plant is Thistle. You can also see how many years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds old you are.
I'm 661,628,706 seconds old and my birth tree is the Walnut Tree hmm.
Here you can try for yourself:


They also had a test where you learn what your name says about your personality:


Now I'm going to do to bed and dream about something nice :D. Goodnight.

(Ps. Det går bra att skriva komentarer på svenska skriver på engelska för en utländsk vän. Skriv gärna då blir jag glad, god natt Ds.)

walnut tree
Walnut tree

Prison Break

I just spent the last hour watching Prison Break on tv, Michael is such a hunk :P and he's bright. Love, love, love that series. But I wonder what I'm going to do with the rest of the night. Since I haven't put a foot out side the door since yesterday I'm starting to feel a little bit lazy. I'm going to watch my favourite series on the internet now  "Lenore the Cute Little Dead Girl". A bit morbid but wonderful humour. Plus I can relate to her after spending more then a  day inside I probably look just like her. More Lenore to the people.



Computer nerd

Since I started this blogg witch is about 17 hours ago I've been stuck in front of the computer. Not only doing some stuff on my blogg but fixing me and my friend Anna’s blogg. In the spirit of things I also started to work on another website just for fun. So now my eyes are probably square from staring at the computer for to long.
I might leave the computer for another temptation that is in my bag chocolate I bought at a chocolate festival in Sthlm mmmmm....... :D I looooove chocolate.
I'm not the only chocolate lover,



I enter this world of blogging relaxing on a bench staring at some clouds and thinking about things to come and what to write. Maybe an idea will come to me soooon, I'm counting on it. Until then I'll be here a bench near you... :P

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